I can’t say this is the first time I've ever left the grocery store with more then just the things I came to pay for, but it was certainly the most interesting. Just as I was about to check out, I had remember I wanted some seafood salad and herbed scooper chips to eat it with. In all this last minute running around, trying to get out before the rush, I just went ahead and ordered cheese as well. Waiting on my order, I turned around to see how the lines where looking, and there she was…
A rather short girl, with pretty glowing skin, rosé pink lips, a perfect smile and the most sparkly-deep eyes I’ve ever seen. It was like she was looking right back at me at the same time. The funny part was when I tried to look away like she was just part of the whole picture, but damn she stole the show, and I just couldn’t move my neck, like she was drawing me in with a magnetic force. I simply had to look down and away to break her spell, but I kept trying to peek out the corner of my eye.
The last thing I needed was a new girl in my life to complicate an already rocky situation. Plus, she was kind of short and WAY too cute to be a “nice girl”; I could smell her mischief from where I was standing. I guess this is the part where I make a comparison of her being a nice, juicy, well-stacked cheese burger staring me in the face, when I am supposed to be dieting. In all my strength I simply said to myself, “you know what, I know what you’re thinking, but just let it go; there will be another time, but just not today”.
I felt this calm after talking to my inner self, and opening my eyes to gather my thoughts, but there she was, standing right next to me, trying to decide what she wanted to grab from the lunchmeat section. I could see some older guy she came in with peeking around the corner, checkin’ up on her an' $#!t; It kinda’ made me mad, I wasn’t planning on messin’ with this girl, so why are you grillin’ me. It was really self guilt, as when I think about it now, I was only resisting her charms, I wasn’t necessarily immune.
Now was the time to move, but my feet had cement in them, and when I heard her speakin’ out loud to herself like she was having just the hardest time making up her mind, I suckered myself into just wanting to hear her voice, and when I finally did, it was a “hey”. All I could do was clumsily returning the sneaky hello that turned into shady conversation, as if we both had something to hide. I seemed to catch on to her clever plan to side-talk and browse, how I knew how to play this game is beyond me.
It finally ended with the guy having to physically come get her before she would leave, but not before slipping me a crumbled-up receipt. “Wow… I wonder what this is” I thought. Just when I get out of the f**king frying pan, I jump into the gawd-damn fire. This isn’t going to end well, I just know it, but everything in my id is telling me to play along.
Just when I was going to toss that paper ball into the cracks of the cooler, a vision of her bare navel popped in my mind… and how much I just wanted to kiss it… just once, maybe… Just when I think I have it all figured out, here I go again. F**k my life...
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