As a 'decided' master of destiny, I made a choice to start doing ma’ thing; even though it took me a while to catch on to how the game was played, I did rather well for a guy with no role models to teach me. All the things I ever learned where from my momz and the company of women, so the advice I got was pretty useless. There was no real-world environment where the techniques they showed me would work, and I only ended up losing out on good things.
So what am I talkin’ bout? I’m speakin’ on premium grade, I’m discussin’ diamond status, I’m talkin’ jewelry report, and I’m professing the highlife to all who are listenin’. I’m talkin’ bout Victoria’s Secret. Now mind you, this was new to me, and I’m sure there are many of you reading this who already knew the secret and have already moved on to the next thing, but me, no no no, I wanted to stick around for a while and enjoy the splendor it had to offer.
In the world of vanity, everything tastes so damn good; unfortunately it all has a price, and boy is that price f**kin’ high. It’ll cost you an arm, a leg, and a kidney. Can’t speak for no one else but myself, but I must say I have had a taste from time to time for no money down. I mean, I’m not the most elaborate creation God made, but I sure can max-out every-so-often. Damn can I ever play the cards I was dealt when it counts, and sometimes the suit I was stitched in looks impressive to even myself.
I think my expectations have taken a turn for the worse when I was introduce to grade-A honey pots, but don’t think I’m not working on myself with introspective endeavors. It’s just that when you taste ambrosia, apples and oranges seem so-so. I guess I really do have to adjust my goggles and see things for what they are, but I have put forth effort in vain; could just be something I’m doing wrong though. You just never know with things like this, life gets confusing on this level.
So the moment of truth comes when I have to decided if I want to Blackmail Lady V. and play the game to win, or do I retain my integrity and keep strikin’ out hopin’ to hit a homerun like I’ve been doing. It’s tempting to just take the cake, eat it, and then have ice cream afterward, but I don’t know if I could look in the mirror after I did such a thing; skipping steps is what hurt me the most, I went from not doin’ a damn thing, to doin’ it big, from crawling to f**kin’ flyin’.
It’s not like Victoria made it easy for me, she was actually quite mean at times. I’ve never been the type to hold a grudge though, so I guess I’ll just wait on it for a bit; my patience is wearing thin though.
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