Relaxing in the wholesome emptiness of the mountains I find kicking my feet up to serve me well. Never have I had lady luck sit in my lap so willingly, she practically fell in it. It’s moments like this that you wouldn’t know what to do with her if she actually did it to you huh? Fortunately for me, I’ve been chasing her for so long I already had an idea of how such a circumstance will play out in advance. So it’s when I take a break from pulling at her skirt that she comes looking for me instead.
So now I’m left to wonder if this is how it works, or if this was just a rare once-in-a-lifetime occurrence of karmatic breakdown, advantage me. So if I look up at her and grin, grab er’ tightly by the hips, and show er’ exactly what it is I’ve been saying for years, what happens then? I consider myself an over-thinker, but I would say I didn’t give this one too much thought. The hell with anything else, I gave her the business minus the “lip-service” b!#ch, and I wasn’t f**kin’ around either.
You see, this wasn’t about trying to prove anything to anybody, not even myself. I just wanted this for too long, and I showed it, I was straight on my win sh!#; now I’m sure lady luck probably won’t marry my @$$, but I’m sure she’ll be addin’ me to the speed dial though. So now it’s up to me to keep it 100. Not gonna lie and say I never pissed on a good thing before, I’m sure everybody has once in their life, but not this time, not me babe; this is a new day.
All this just when I kick my feet up; now I could get all nervous and sh!# and start second-guessing myself, but f**k that, who has time for it? It happened, and the next time it happens Imma pull er’ by the hair and crush er’ @$$ like a Coke can; right after drainin’ every once of sweetness she has in her. You better believe I’m gonna exhale the anthem of satisfied thirst after it too. I know this might seem passionless of me to say, but I’m sick of walkin’ on egg shells.
So today I came from behind, put my arms around her and told er’ a few things I knew she’d like to hear. I heard her giggle a little before slipping from my grasp. I grabbed her by her belt loop and jerked her back to me, kissin’ her slam on the mouth. I lift her chin up and look’d her dead in the eyes. I’m not that lost boy anymore and I think she saw it, when her playful grin turned into a serious stare as if she wanted me back, I knew I was doin’ it right.
“Just keep it 100” I said to myself. “Just keep it 100.”
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