This will be the last entry I share concerning my misadventures in life concerning the fairer sex. My desire and appreciation for the amazing elements that make a woman will never fade, but I believe my interest is shifting to investing time in things more lasting, more meaningful and of more valuable quality. I mean that for a lot of things including relationships, career, goals, projects and so forth. Now is the time to treat the one thing I appreciate most in the world with the care and attention it deserves.
As I grow older, I look into a future of myself not having changed and still chasing instant gratification with no real foundation. I would like for once to not worry if the floor will collapse under my feet, or if suddenly the rug will be pulled out from beneath me. I need something that belongs to me and me only. Something no one can take no matter what. I need security and piece of mind. I need structure and a place to call my own. I realize now I don’t have any of those things and the time I’ve spent chasing castles made of sand, I wasted precious time I could have used building my own castle out of solid stones.
Lately I’ve mourned over the life that I let pass me by, trying to make up for a life that I never had. I know it was a necessary step to live the life for a time so that I could grow as a person, but I’ve stayed there too long. In that lingering moment I had forgotten the mission. I had become stagnant and content. I was in a state of madness to believe that I would look back as an old man and be proud of all of the things I never accomplished. Play time is over, it’s time to grow up.
Now I wish to take you on some adventures of Shaum the Poet, my days of misadventures are over.
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